Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Letter to Professor : Josie's Indy Teach

Dear Professor,
This past weekend, I did a lot of exciting things. First,on Saturday morning I workout in the Rec center for about hour and half proceed to reward myself for a pumpkin cake doughnut and hot chocolate from Sweet Waters( No pug just mentioning) made my way home where I turned on the television to watch some college football , the Michigan and Wisconsin game was on, It was great. Than after the game I read some books for class thinking there will be a quiz on first part of the book. Later on, I watch some movies I got from Netflix. Proceeding the night,I took myself out for dinner and ice cream. I made it home around ten or so. Got early on Sunday to do some homework.The rest of the deary day of rain and gray clouds I tried to watch the Lions but loss to the Arizona Cardinals. In the late afternoon, I watch a documentary about the Amish's rite of passage of Rumspranga (the best spelling I can do here), where children at the age of Sixteen get to explore the outside world, where they call it the "Devil's Playground" I found really interesting and curious about they community, beliefs and practices, can be so separated. The rest of the night was just listening to some music while waiting for Monday morning to come around. Thank you for letting write to you and hope to see in the classroom.
Respectfully yours,
Robert L. Rice

1 comment:

Josie said...

Great letter, very professional. Mmmm...Sweet Water's... I'm jealous.