Sunday, November 4, 2007

About Me

Well, I have A lot to say about myself, first I am from the Detroit area, mostly from Birmingham,MI ( where I graduated a dozen years ago do the math.)and lived in Hamtramck,MI after I graduated from Oakland University , in Communications where I felt I could not get a job after 9/11 because of the market. I moved to Hamtramck,MI thinking I could have wrote the next great American novel, that was a joke, where I met a really good writer Vivee Francis, she is a really great poet and taught myself about true calling as a Teacher not a writer. After Living in Hamtramck for a couple years of being disrepected by varoius roommates, friends etc.. I decided to play Rugby for a Detroit club , where I played for a couple years where I traveled to Great Britian for a month and half. After playing rugby and in an constent self esteem issue I moved out the Detroit area, where moved to Kalamazoo,MI to get my post-bach in Secondary Education, where someday I loved to teach in the Southwest of the country. I never felt better in my life, where have a place to go and people to rely me on.


Chris Kato. said...

Thanks for the 're-introductions' Rob. What was it like traveling to Britain with the Rugby team? That sounds really cool.

I remember you talking about your place in Hammtramak, writing the great American novel.

What is your degree from Oakland in?

Shannon said...

Did you ever get into the Slam poetry scene in Hammtramak? :)