Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Socratic Seminar Structure

Socratic Seminar Structure
The Seminar Structure
Speakers-Inner Circle
Observers Outer Circle
Open Chair to inivite
Preparee studnets to speak
Quiet is not bad, "Think Time"
Discussion flows from student-Student-led activites
Discussion should link to text
Not a debate
Respect important
What are the important ideas?
What questions are rasied
What ideas had you have?
Agree and Disagree
Essential Questions
Underline or put stars near the two main points you want to make in the fishbowl
I like this activity becasue allowed the students to voice their opinons. I got to know where are coming from this activity within a safe enviroment where we allowed to be yourself within boundaries. This also, allowed people to voice their opinons a matter to not monoply the discussion group.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I hadn't thought of having you guys write the structure in your blog. Good idea! :D