Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Respect and Literacy

Respect and Literacy

Today, from Ashley and Michelle's Indy teach were good lessons from all us to learn.
First, Ashley taught us about how students feel about they teachers and how they handle the classroom.
She us to a free write about whether we want the are students to respect us or to like us. From our discussion we learned that respect is key to teach a classroom today. Being the pushover teacher is when the buddy teacher lays down the law the students would not respect anymore because he now being unfair and uncool. Have respect from your students in the beginning is gain trust and know who is in charge of the classroom.
Michelle's Indy Teach
Michelle had the lesson about literacy and how affects adolescents in their school achievements. Her lesson was interactive, having to us color doors and pick out a situation and try to figure out a way to help the student through different questions.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ode to Banana Republic

Ode to Banana Republic

Oh, the over price twill shirts and cotton blend pants

The dark urbane jackets that going to the business lunch to the

cocktail party

The minimalist slickness with the post modern design

The smooth leather wallets,

Close your eyes your in Manhattan party talking to some NYU professor
Looking cool with overpriced faded jeans and over sized sunglasses
The pseudo Bohemian professor with the thin cords and shiny reddish jacket
and the cashmere sweater.
Pretentious and promoting the new cool beautiful people is over
spend your money somewhere else Bliff and Whitney
Go to Old Navy where the real sizes for real people.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Social Justice through the eyes of the world at large, Day Two, Letter to Disney and When Marian Sang

Dear Disney,

I want to write a letter about the many stereotypes you have put in Peter Pan and view of the Native American. The portrayal of the Native American is always laughable and happy all the time. Making the white children all right laughing and mimicking their "broken English" and the use of squaw when it came the reference to the woman and the making light of the culture."Happy Savages" in the movie you want to project in the movie to the rest of the country and perhaps the world. Many native cultures were civilized and part of a community as whole but has no need to simplify they speak, culture and the way say "How" is very offensive and wrong way to portrayal the Native American.


Robert Rice

Also, in class we discuss how Marian Anderson, the first African American opera singer through Stacey's reading to the class. After the reading she assign us a one sheet with maker/crayon/colored pencil to use one line, Marion's voice... I choose to write Marian's voice is so loud it breakdown social injustice.
The use of this exercise is to create a discussion and break up the same type of activity to keep the students aware of different subjects are being brought up in the classroom.
Overall the group did a very good of making the class very interactive if the students and making it fun for the students to enjoy themselves. I enjoyed to make a different way of presenting information that can burn out majority of students who have heard these things before but to make more personable and more accessible. This is more realistic hands to students who might fight on this subject.


By looking at the many stereotypes in class about we are able to discuss the surface. And how the student may look. We are able to look at the studnets views and get past the color, race, ethicinity, social class, and clique to help and able to learn.

Free Write on the Social Injustice

Over the past couple days we discuss on the importance of stereotypes and afferts the world around us. How the groups of the jocks, nerds, band/drama geeks AND popular kids, and today with the representation of native Americans, African Americans, and Arabs. I felt some groups like gender were focus on as much and how certain religions are protrayed in some minds how their in they minds as a society. I liked the overall discussion among the classmates it brought out. and it rose some questions.

Friday, October 26, 2007

An outook

I learned by one by other professors yesterday about the importance of learning your discipline . Being prepared to defend it and call upon yourself to able to protected when is being threatened. Ensure the right way of teaching and being a professional in your field.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Some books I found that may interest

If you can not read the blurring words,
this book was recommonded by of my professors,
The Deluxe Transitive Vampire, Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager, and the doomed.
A book that has a sense of humor, for grammar, and the most of us, has found grammar books quite dull and boring, and mostly cheesey. Here is a fun way to read about grammar with a story to it.

Reading, Writing,and Rising Up Teaching about social justice and the power of written word

Students as Activists
"One year our students responded to a negative newspaper article, about how parents feared to send their children to our school, by organzing a march and rally to "tell the truth about Jefferson to the press." (p.8)
Students in Literature and U.S. History write children's books about Abolitionists, the Nez Perce, Chief Jospeh, and others. They brainstorm postive values they want in children's books, critique the stories, and write their own. They develop lesson plans to go with their books. For example, before Bev read her book about John Brown she asked, "Has anyone here ever tried to change something they thought was wrong?" (p.9)
By creating a way for the students a way to express themselves to gather the information and make it work. The school children will be able to create things and to be sure to own the experience out right.
Be sure that the students create this for the right reasons and make it a project that will able them to change a person's view.
The students create their point of view or input on their view of history. And the difference of the students caring about History. an interesting article, I have found about Milwaukee stereotypes, cities have stereotypes.

Learning about stereotypes in the classrooms

Stereotypes in the classroom are a bigger problem today because the current status of many high schools and middle schools. Where the students are entitled to make fun the students because they belong in a certain group and use technology such as myspace, facebook, and texting with they cell phone. It is hard to be teen and have the consent pressure of not fitting in at the same time but have someone post something on they blog or myspace page or make a myspace devoted to one in order to promote this ideal of stereotypes and cliques further.
This goes further in the real world beyond the high school years and college years. This can with you for the rest of your life.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

From October 17, 2007

Ashley's lesson about following the directions was really good way to students not to be restrictive in their writing. She gave examples from Tom Romano about the student that does want to write in "stupid"because he thinks is waste of time, thinks it for 14 year old girls, and people to see they thoughts on paper. In the end, the student end up showing what good journal writing, ironic, with the purpose of revealing emotion passion with some metaphors to add to his disgust for journal writing.

Moving out to the southwest

I pack up all my belongings in the Midwest to head to the southwest
where see the hot desert sun scorching the earth
earth lizards crawling on rocks and walking to cross the road
The desert night sky with the stars illuminating gold from the black drop cloth of a sky
The tall old cliffs are red, yellow with the ancient adobes from centuries ago.
Where I past where previous pioneers have crossed and
built a new country of believers.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

My favorite Commerical

One of my favorite commericals is the verizon side kick
where the young boy has his friends as animals in the his phone.
It is funny because it assocaites the friend with an animal look and have the older and mean older brother as the pig.
THe commerical is funny and quite clever with its moments of being funny and the younger brother getting back at the older brother.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Writing Down the Bones INDY Teach Presentation

Writing Down The Bones Indy Teach
Essential Questions
Do you leave peer editing to the students as a way to teach them grammar? What the ways to know how a little or much writing it's still the teacher's responsibility?
Do you teach the traditional language arts way of producing essays? Do have them think of ways outside the box, creating/editing/producing all up to the student to put the emphasis on writing?
The provides some ways for students to get thinking about creativity in the classroom when comes to up writing and revision.
List of Rules
Goldberg outlines the main ideas for writing to begin to be process the ideas.
Keeps your hand moving?
Don't cross out
Don't worry about spelling, punctuation, and grammar
Lose control
Don't think. Don't Logical
Go the Jugular
"It' s an opportunity to capture the oddities of your mind. Explore the rugged of the thought. Like grating a carrot, give the paper the colorful coleslaw of your consciousness. First thoughts have tremendous energy. It is the way the mind first flashes on something. The internal censor usually squelches them"(Goldberg 8 and 9).
List of topics
Tell about the quality of light coming through your window
Begin with "I" remember"
Take something you feel strongly about, whether it is positive or negative
Choose a color
Visualize a place
Who are people you loved
Write about streets of your city
Action of a Sentence

Goldberg writes in certain chapter about verbs and how they are very helpful
"This does not mean that while you are waiting you should stop and contemplate a new verb for an hour.Only, be aware of verbs and the power they have and use them in fresh ways. The more you awake to all aspects of language,the more vibrant your writing will be"(Goldberg 89).

Why do I write

She ask herself why she writes, and then ask the reader why do they write. Gives off the list.
By asking your students, why they write gives the classroom an opportunity to share they thoughts to the class and gives them a chance to see another students share the same thoughts about writing.